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Rosie the Little Fish That Got Away

Rosie the Little Fish That Got Away talks about domestic violence and its terrible effects on victims. It is also the story of how one victim—the writer—overcame her abuse and went on to have a happy and successful life with a lovely and kind partner.

The writer uses sea creatures to tell this powerful story and to inspire children through the knowledge that no matter how bad your situation, there is always a way out. Keep trying, and do not give up.

The Forgotten Princess

The Forgotten Princess follows the story of the youngest of four princesses; she wonders why she is different from everyone else in her family. She has to learn to be true to herself instead of trying to be like her other sisters. She has to heal her broken, damaged heart from her father’s cruel abuse so she can heal herself inside. She spends her time doing lots of reading so that she has lots of information and knowledge to use about her situation. She then goes on to finding the love of her life and marries her prince, and they live happily ever after, never giving up their dreams.

All About Twins

This book is about twins and how they play and live together.
It is also about the different types of twins and how sometimes they will be alike and sometimes they will be very different.

It is to help preschool and early primary school children learn about twins. it also explains that twins do not have to be completely the same and can have different goals and dreams and can look different. They do not have to be completely the same or think the same all the time.

Anne is an identical twin, and her experience has been that often children do not know about twins.
She would like to use her experience of being an identical twin to help educate children about twins so that they learn about them as part of their education.

She is also a trained preschool teacher and has many years of experience working with children.
She has written many other children’s books to help educate children.

Adventures of Constable Teddybear in Teddybearland

This book is about bullying children and how it affects them. The author shares ways in which it can be helped and the bully made to take responsibility and understand how the victim feels. She also explains that police departments have programmes that address bullying and help prevent it from taking place.

The author uses teddy bears to tell this powerful story. It is also a true story as the author was bullied as a child.

Where Does the Food You Eat Come From?

Learn why farmers are important, why they matter to our lives and where our food comes.

An Octopus Who Was Too Touchy Feely

This book is about boundaries safe touch and bad touch. It is being created to educate teenagers and pre teens about this subject in a friendly fun way that they can understand.

It also educates them about what they can do about this to feel better and recover to heal. Also what their options are as a victim of sexual assault.